How to care for your sarongs is a question we hear quite often.
So, I asked Nancy J., who is one of our long time 1 World Sarongs customers (8 years) and has bought literally hundreds if not thousands of sarongs from us and therefore an expert in caring for sarongs. Nancy turns our sarongs into beautiful outfits. She's an independent seamstress / fashion designer who creates marvelous caftans / ponchos from our sarongs to sell to specialty boutiques in New Mexico.
Nancy called to place an order the other day(knowing we're getting our delivery and to get first dibs), as she does every few months, so I figured this was the perfect time to pick her brain and ask about how she cares for her sarongs.
So here's what she said:
1. Unfold your sarong and shake it out a little
2. Load into your washer machine (Nancy does up to eight sarongs at a time)
3. Set your washer to cold water rinse - with medium water level - NO need for detergent
4. When washer is finished take sarongs and shake out a little and separate them
5. Load into dryer with a fabric softener - delicate setting - for 30 minutes
6. After 30 minutes clean the lint filter and then run dryer for another 10 minutes
7. Take sarongs out of dryer and spread them out on a bed or flat surface (Nancy folds them in half)
8. Then run your hands over them to get any wrinkles out
Make sure to take your sarongs out of the dryer right away so they don't wrinkle.
If you do decide to iron your sarongs make sure you set your iron on a very low setting.
Note, this is for the care of rayon sarongs and of course cotton or silk or poly should be handled differently. (We'll cover those at another time)
The advantage to washing this way is the dryer will set the colors of your sarongs so you don't have to worry about the colors running.
Wasn't that simple?
Ok, you got us...that was eight steps ;-) just checking to see if your paying attention :-P
his method applies to our lovely clothing too. So just use the same methods to care for your sundresses and other items from 1 World Sarongs.
Have an idea on how to care for your sarongs / clothing?
A different method?
A better way to do it?
Why not leave us your comments or suggestions?
Hope you're having a wonderful summer,